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Carrollton's Strategic Plan 2024-2029

以心引领2024-2029是献给拉斐尔·玛丽亚·巴斯蒂安SH ' 83的记忆, P’16, 作为卡罗尔顿董事会主席,他不知疲倦地制定并实施了这项计划. 

By 2029, 卡罗尔顿以其天主教和圣心的身份而闻名, core values, mission, and history. 

Pillar I is about why we are here, what we stand for, and what is necessary to carry on Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat’s vision for Sacred Heart Education. 

我们的天主教,神圣的心和独立的身份是我们的使命和我们的创始核心.  This Pillar will enforce who we are and how to continue meeting and exceeding the standards of a proud Sacred Heart school guided by the Goals and Criteria, our Catholic identity and our calling to form confident and courageous young women who go out and make positive change in the world.

By 2029, Carrollton is an accessible, diverse, 以及以健康和归属感为基础的包容性社区.

Pillar II is, at its core, 确保卡罗尔顿有学生代表, faculty, and staff from all walks of life. The Sacred Heart Goals and Criteria 优先考虑我们不同的、多样化的思维方式和观点, 同时继续致力于我们的使命和愿景. Pillar II will call on all of us at Carrollton to expand our local and global lens and strive to build programs and opportunities to ensure qualified students are able to obtain a Carrollton experience regardless of socioeconomic situation. 

Additionally, this pillar not only reflects our core values but also serves as a guiding beacon for our initiatives, policies, and practices, 确保每一个决定和行动都有助于一个更受欢迎的, healthy, 为所有人提供全面的教育体验.

By 2029, Carrollton is a beacon of excellence in preparing future-ready young women as global leaders.

Pillar III calls on us to continue to build on a historically excellent educational program and curriculum to ensure our graduates become global leaders. 

To ensure success, 卡罗尔顿必须评估当前提供的课程, facilities, 以及继续追求卓越的资源.  This Pillar will encourage Carrollton to strive for excellence in all arenas; in the classroom, laboratories, athletic field and courts, and in the arts. 

By 2029, 卡罗尔顿是整体主义的典范, innovative, and faith-based education for girls.

第四支柱旨在最大限度地发挥卡罗尔顿作为天主教徒的潜力, Independent, 圣心学校,并推动学校超越目前的产品.  以学校的基础和历史为基础, Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart will preserve the spirit of those who came before us by exploring ways to excel in all things encompassing Pillars I, II, and III. 

We will create a culture of philanthropy and investment in Carrollton to ensure Carrollton remains guided by the Goals and Criteria while exploring new educational and programmatic possibilities that will feature Carrollton as a beacon for holistic and faith-based education.